Saturday, July 19, 2008

the lady

a while ago a beautiful woman came into my life .she's been my friend for the last two years but i always took her for granted for which i paid the price quite a few times.what is happiness that something i really discovered only after meeting her .shes incredible not just for what she is but for who she is ,its like finding that happy place and never having to the beginning she was always there but like a jackass i never noticed in the "best of my efforts" i managed to drive her away really far losing her i discovered 3 other people they stood by me through a very hard time for this i will always be grateful to them.

in the due course of time i realized that she was the perfect person all ive said before is always been the eyes forever they have charmed me and sent me into a gaze its like looking into a gujrathi universe with planets made of dhokla and surrounded by rings of khakda.

she has changed my life completely and made me feel like a different person.anything that has changed in me after being with her ,the only wrong thing i can think of is that ive become desperate to do work and love slogging it out which if you really look at is not a bad thing at all :).
no amount of words can describe how graetful i am for everything that she has given me.

your an amazing person and can find no amount of words to say what i want to say,every time i look into your eyes im whatever way you maybe how ever you are ,you will always be special to me
love ya
milk payasam
now you figure out why i called you that :)