Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the time has come....

hi....the time has come for me to bring out many things in many ways that would not hurt any one else....where do i start from....??? first a random thought.....if we call them slippers they why is that we can walk in them without falling.... i have decide that life is worth living to the fullest and that what you want to do is the most essential to you and that you should go ahead and do it....without thinking twice.... there so many things that have encompassed my life that deep inside i feel i have lost myself and lost who i am....but guess every human being changes good or bad its through their own actions that they come to be what they want to be. i realized that being taken for granted is the worst thing that can happened to you. A sense of "doormat ism" takes over and then there is no going back people are just going to come and walk all over you and take complete advantage and when you need them they will just turn their backs on you and act like you never existed or that you have never helped them out. but there are those who love to give help and play their role in enriching other peoples lives.these people get immense satisfaction from realizing that whatever has ever happened in the past or the present is irrelevant and that helping your "foe" is the best way to feel inner peace. sadly there come a time when you can give and give no more and that someone need to give you something but....there is not a single soul that you can find who is ready to give you anything... i think this topic explains it self because thats the way the world works they approach you if they need something really urgently otherwise your just ignored.
life has a way of hitting you at the wrong time and in the wrong place. you feel that just when things are over they come back to haunt you again in most wrong way possible....i'm not going to further because its quite sad so lets just forget it and move onto happier things.

I have eaten a puff in 5 states across my country and they quite vary in taste and many other features...for those of you who do not know what a puff is please visit (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puff_pastry) its an amazing little bakery master piece its main quality is that it fills stomach in a very small amount and that it makes you feel really full if you overeat it...it's an odd achievement i plan to raise it to at least 20 states by the time i am done with college maybe even a travelogue titled "the puff adventure" from what i have understood you must look for 1)size 2)flakiness 3) If its a cheese puff or a puff without a filling then layers must be considered 4)you must be able to differentiate between a puff/patty and a turnover 5)in the inner filling you msut look for variety in terms of vegetables used. 6)masala,masala they more spicier the harder it will be on your digestive tract 7)of course you must also consider the extent to which a puff has been cooked 8)if you are eating from an area that is not safe go for the slightly burnt puffs as they have some guarantee of being cooked 9)puffs are not meant to be chewed for long periods,nor are they meant to be separated from the patty in a forceful manner.if you have to do this while eating your puff then you puff is bad... 10)a good puff can be followed by a good drink if the puff and the drink dont go together then your eating experience is lost.

bon apetit :)

"the look" by Roxette
this is one brilliant song it says a lot.... 1, 2, 3, 4 Walking like a man Hitting like a hammer Shes a juvenile scam Never was a quitter Tasty like a raindrop Shes got the look Heavenly bound Cause heavens got a number When shes spinning me around Kissing is a colour Her loving is a wild dog Shes got the look Shes got the look, -shes got the look- Shes got the look, -shes got the look- What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything Ill ever do, Ill do for you And I go: la la la la la Shes got the look Fire in the ice Naked to the t-bone Is a lovers disguise Banging on the head drum Shaking like a mad bull Shes got the look Swaying to the band Moving like a hammer Shes a miracle man Loving is the ocean Kissing is the wet sand Shes got the look Shes got the look, -shes got the look- Shes got the look, -shes got the look- What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything Ill ever do, Ill do for you And I go: la la la la la Shes got the look Walking like a man Hitting like a hammer Shes a juvenile scam Never was a quitter Tasty like a raindrop Shes got the look And she goes: Na na na na na, Na na na na na na, Na na na na na, Na na na na na na, Na na na na na na na na, Shes got the look Shes got the look, -shes got the look- Shes got the look, -shes got the look- What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything Ill ever do, Ill do for you And I go: la la la la la Shes got the look What in the world can make you so blue When everything Ill ever do, Ill do for you And I go: la la la la la Na na na na na, Na na na na na na, Na na na na na, Na na na na na na, Na na na na na na na na, Shes got the look And she goes: Na na na na na, Na na na na na na, Na na na na na, Na na na na na na, Na na na na na na na na, Shes got the look -shes got the look- And she goes: Na na na na na, Na na na na na na, Na na na na na, Na na na na na na,
Na na na na na na na na,
Shes got the look -shes got the look-

just those eyes beautiful they say so much.....

1 comment:

i think therefore i am said...

awwww my lil bro is writing a blog!!!! but nice thots venks.. Love ur disertation of the puff