It was upon a chance encounter that I happened to see a full page advert for a car expo taking place near my house. As a life long vehicle enthusiast this was an opportunity that was too good to miss.
I was having an odd thought process as I entered the expo grounds on one hand it would be the first time I would be going to a vehicle exhibition in my twenty two years of existence. On the other hand this was Chennai city….as much as I loved the place it never ceased to raise my expectations and then make me throw them out of the window.
The first thing that struck me was the fact that the exhibition was really small and had more people than cars. Just outside the arena was a giant Cadillac Escalade SUV in true Indian fashion people we making funny poses standing next to the car. Imported from
Our first stop inside the arena was at the Harley Davidson stand. It had a single Motorcycle on display but that was more than enough to pull in the crowds. The Motorcycle was long and had an imposing presence, what struck me the most was that the motorcycle had a CD player and two large speakers built in, it struck me that Motorcycle In America were miles ahead of anything that we had.
The exhibition was dominated by small manufacturers showing off some heavy car accessories which in some cases were almost the cost of the car they had been put on. Right beside them were students from various regional engineering colleges displaying hand built sand buggies. Built on a small budget and with Maximum technical acumen these vehicles contrasted the accessories stand in almost perfect harmony giving us a perfect lesson “it’s not the size that matters but how you use it”.
In the center of the Arena was a spanking new Mercedes Benz complete with an “auto box” and tanned leather seats (no they were not taken from cows that spent a day in the sun!!) it was like looking at busty Brazilian woman on roller skates ( beauty on wheels ) a feast for the mind and body.
Ten minutes and a few maruti’s, Hero Honda’s, fiats and Mahindra’s later were at the end of the exhibition. I was euphorically disappointed because I had not got to see any super cars that I had always dreamt of looking at but was finally happy because I had finally got to visit a car exhibition.
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